Where Every Family Matters

Board & Brush Parent/Child Workshop

You and yours can create a trendy new room sign at Board & Brush in Murfreesboro during their Parent and Child Workshop this weekend!

Quick! There is limited seating for this Parent and Child Workshop at Board & Brush on Sunday, March 4 from 2 – 5 p.m. There are a few new offerings for this workshop, too. Those include new board designs and even string art. The workshop is a wood sign class where you and your child spend time together creating a work of art. One space covers one parent and one child. There are options for ages 10 and younger as well as 10 and older. Cost is $85 per parent/child pair and $35 for each additional child. In addition to the string art and new designs, there are many other options to choose from — a total of 20 different options!

Where to Go

Board and Brush is located at 1500 Medical Center Pkwy., Ste. 1E, Murfreesboro in The Fountains at Gateway. Call 615-266-0477 or visit boardandbrush.com. Register your spot online before seats fill up!

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