Safety 4 Key Strategies for Car Safety With Kids The summer is forecasted to be super hot and kids are all around us. Brush up car safety with them!
Health West Nile Virus Detected in Mosquitoes Across Nashville No local human cases have been reported yet.
Safety Back-to-School Safety Tips from the American Red Cross School bells will be calling students back to the classroom soon and the American Red Cross has steps everyone can take to help kids remain safe.
Health Ear Infections Are Often Hard to Detect in Children The "hallmark" of Acute Otitis Media (a middle ear infection) is a fever that spikes at 102 or higher. Know when it's time to phone the doctor.
Safety Baby Bath Safety for a Bubbly Good Time Baby loves a nice, warm bath, but make his safety your top priority.
Safety Prepare Your Dog for the New Baby Is your dog ready — and does he have the right temperament — for bringing a baby or young child into your home? Preparations is key.
Health FDA Authorizes Vaccines for Kids 6 Months of Age The FDA’s evaluation and analysis of the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines was rigorous and comprehensive.
Safety What To Know About Biking With Baby On Board Bike seats? Trailers? Here's everything you should know before hitting the trails together.
Health The Earlier, the Better: Swim Lessons for Little Kids Kick, kick, kick! My toddler's swim lesson experience at Sea Love Swim school.
Babies Get Caught Up Now on Childhood Immunizations Last summer, childhood well check-up exams plummeted with fear of COVID in the air. Avoid a backlog by getting your kids up to speed now.
Babies Three Times Baby Skin is No Match for the Sun A morning walk. Stopping for a chat in the Kroger parking lot. A ride in the back seat. The surprisingly quick way a baby's skin can burn needs revisiting as summer steams along.