
757 Co Rd 614, Mentone, AL 35984, USA

Additional information

  • Phone: (800) 882-0722
  • Website: www.riverviewcamp.com
  • Camp Length: Overnight
  • Age Range: 5 - 9 years, 10 - 18 years
Riverview Camp for Girls

Director: Susan Hooks

Voted #1 sleep-away camp 10 years in the Best of Parenting reader's poll. Only two hours away from Nashville. One- and two-week sessions available for girls 6 - 16. Members of Christian Camping International and accredited by AEE and ACA. Traditional camp activities offered and facilities include a heated pool, tennis courts, climbing tower, horseback riding, bathrooms and showers in all cabins and more. Campers select six activities to take daily. 5:1 camper-to-counselor ratio.

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