Parents of homeschool children, sign up now for the Discovery Center of Murfree Spring's new homeschool programs. These special programs are designed just for homeschool groups and allow them to experience learning together in a fun, hands-on environment. Kids get to put on some gloves and get down into the world of owl pellets and frogs. These Dissection Labs allow students to explore the parts of the body and functions of organs through hands-on investigations and dissections of frogs and owl pellets.
Registration is open and space is limited. Cost is $2 lab fee per student, plus $8 museum admission per student and adult/chaperone; members pay only $2 as museum admission is free).
Upcoming Programs
Owl Pellet Dissection Lab
Wednesday, May 22
2 – 3 p.m.
Frog Dissection Lab
Friday, May 24
2 – 3 p.m.
The Discovery Center is located at 502 S.E. Broad St., Murfreesboro. Call 615-890-2300 or visit