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February 12, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

Inaugural Walk/5K for THBDF

Support all ages with bleeding disorders by participating in THBDF's inaugural walk/5K next month — with a kick-off party this weekend!

Tennessee Hemophilia & Bleeding Disorders Foundation (THBDF) hosts its inaugural Blazin’ for Bleeders Walk/5k on Saturday, Sept. 15. But, before the race, come out to the kick-off party on Saturday, Aug. 25. From 6 – 9 p.m. you can pre-register for the race or make a donation. There will be drinks and pizza there, too. The party takes place at 553 Agripark Drive, Murfreesboro.

Blazin’ for Bleeders Walk/5K

This inaugural race supports all ages with bleeding disorders. Run, walk, volunteer or donate to be a part of the race benefiting THBDF. It’s a fun event to bring awareness to the bleeding disorder community. Sign up or donate online or at the kick-off party. Volunteers, please call or e-mail Teresa at the Foundation office (615-900-1486; Learn more at

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