Hey, little pageant competitors in La Vergne, there's something new this year for the Miss La Vergne Beauty Pageant. It will now offer each winner from Baby Prince and Princess to Miss La Vergne cash and/or prizes in addition to a sash and crown (Miss categories) or medal (Baby categories). Here's the breakdown of the prizes:
- Miss La Vergne: A gift basket worth up to $500 in prizes after being crowned. At the end of her reign after fulfilling her responsibility to serve she will also receive $500 cash, courtesy of the City of La Vergne.
- Junior Miss La Vergne: At the end of her reign will receive $250 cash
- Young Miss La Vergne: $100 cash
- Little Miss La Vergne: $50 cash
- Baby Pageant winners: a special prize after being crowned
There's a Catch!
All cash prizes will be awarded after the 2020 Miss La Vergne Beauty Pageant. Winners will need to complete their responsibility to serve which includes attending various city events over the course of the year. They will also need to be available to attend the pageant in 2020 to help crown the new queen in their category. More details about the winner’s responsibility to serve are available in the pageant application rules and regulations.
Registration Closes Aug. 28
You have until Wednesday, Aug. 28 to register your child. Cost is $25 for the Little Miss, Young Miss, Junior Miss and Miss La Vergne categories; $20 for all Baby Pageant contestants. Proof of age is also required before the contestant can be officially registered for their category. Birth or mothers certificates, social security cards and official school registration paperwork will all be accepted as valid proof of age. Contestants must live or attend school in Rutherford County to be eligible. Contestants can also be eligible if their parent(s) own a business in Rutherford County.