A special family celebration introducing two new year-round reading programs designed to spark a lifelong love of reading in children.
Learning Apps for Homework Support
Top learning apps can provide help for your kids.
Help Your Kindergartener Experience Success
As school days begin, provide your young learners with the tools they need for happy days in the classroom.
New and Fun Fall Reads for Little Kids & Families
We know, we know... The pressure to get young kids to read can get annoying! Even still, parents need to make reading fun right from the start (and that means together!).
How to Read to a Newborn
More parents than ever before are following the American Academy of Pediatrics’ suggestion to read to babies from birth. It may seem silly to read to an infant, but reading to a newborn matters.
United Way Collecting Bedtime Book Kits for Kids
Make a bedtime book kit for children through the "Bedtime Books Day of Action" program — now through March 31.
Winter Reading Challenge is ON at the Library
Will your little readers accept the challenge?
Enjoy Storytime at the Zoo’s “Celebrate Reading”
Storybook readings, animal encounters and more on the first two weekends in November.
Youth Can Read with Cats at New Animal Center
Book Buddies gives children between the ages of five and 12 years old a chance to sharpen their reading skills
Join Williamson County Library’s Golden Ticket Winter Reading Challenge
Reading challenges with optional activities for three age groups.