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February 10, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

The Joy of Music for Toddlers

Little ones need you to lead them to activities. Music is the universal language; bring it into your home, car and everywhere!

When 2-year-old Emily Lynn Phelps was sick and in the hospital, the only thing that would cheer her up was her mom, Sherri, singing “Itty Bitty Baby Girl.”
    “I sang this to Emily when she was an infant, and it totally helped calm her — and me! — down,” says Sherri.
    Music can have a powerful effect on toddlers’ moods: It can distract them, amuse them, pacify them and even get them to cooperate. How many times have you belted out the “Clean Up” song to encourage your 3-year-old to put away their trucks? Or how often did you sing a silly song to keep your 2-year-old still while you tried to wriggle them into a car seat?
    What’s more, experts say that songs can build cognitive skills and enhance your child’s ability to learn. There’s no hard evidence that exposing your toddler to music will make them smarter and raise their IQ, but music certainly can make learning easier and more fun. Case in point: A 2-year-old can’t memorize the alphabet by reading it, but if they hear the ABC song repeatedly, they’ll quickly learn the letters.

The Joy of Music for Toddlers

    The toddler years are the ideal time to get kids to tune in.

    “If children are exposed to music before they’re 5, they’ll feel much more free to sing in an uninhibited way later on,” says Bonnie Ward Simon, co-creator of the Stories in Music CD series. “There’s a key window of opportunity at this age.”
    Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to engage toddlers with tunes. Most instinctively love music and singing songs together is a great bonding experience for you and your little one. 

    “The most natural way to develop your child’s love of music is to expose her to the music you love,” says Lori Custodero, DMA, an associate professor of music and music education. 

    Here are some ways for both of you to enjoy the sounds — and benefits — of music.

At Home and More

Keep a basket of props in your living room. Scarves, hats, tutus and shakers all enhance your child’s musical experience by encouraging dramatic play. Get a stick, listen to Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, and pretend you’re the conductor. Take two paper plates, put some beans inside and tape the plates’ edges together to make a shaker.

    Music classes are also a good idea, but toddlers aren’t ready for formal lessons just yet. Instead, check out your local YMCA or look online for programs like Kindermusik or Sound Start. 

    “Two- and 3-year-olds can learn about different sounds and can even begin to create their own songs,” says Kimberly Hill, a music teacher. 

Give Time to Explore 

Your little one won’t clap to a steady beat or sing on key right away. But let them play in whatever way they want and simply enjoy what they’re hearing. “If she’s been exposed to music activity, by the time she’s about 4 she’ll probably be able to tap out a proper beat,” says Kenneth K. Guilmartin, director and founder of Music Together, which has classes available locally and all across the country.

    Percussion instruments are easy for little hands to grasp, shake and tap. You can use pots and pans, and encourage them to think about the sounds they make. “Ask her which pan’s sound she likes best,” Custodero says. “Talk about the difference between loud and soft.”

Use Music to Teach 

Songs are a great way to help toddlers learn to experiment with words and sounds. They can learn rhyming patterns with songs like “I’m a Little Teapot” and “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” They can learn to spell (“B-I-N-G-O”), name the parts of their body (“Head, shoulders, knees and toes”), count (“5 Green Speckled Frogs”) and even speak new languages (“Frere Jacques”) through songs.

Be Spontaneous 

Little kids have no problem breaking into song — and you shouldn’t either. Narrate your walk to the car in an operatic voice, or sing about the clothes you’re picking out to the tune of “Old MacDonald” (“I am going to wear this shirt, E-I-E-I-O”). Soon you’ll see your child do the same thing, as they begin to develop a love of music that can last a lifetime.

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