Do you seek the expert help from the folks at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital when it comes to your sick child? Wouldn’t it help if you didn’t have to drive all the way to Nashville especially when it’s after hours? Murfreesboro now has a Vanderbilt Children’s After-Hours Clinics location and is ready to serve! Your child’s pediatrician will also get a report of your visit that same night. The pediatricians at this location can diagnose and treat sore throats and ear infections; rashes and skin infections; gastrointestinal illnesses, such as vomiting and diarrhea with mild dehydration; respiratory problems, such as coughs, asthma and croup; evaluation and splinting of injuries to arms and legs with coordination of orthopaedist appointment (next business day) if needed; simple wounds; foreign objects in ears and noses; and other illnesses and injuries including colds and allergies. They do NOT, however, provide ongoing care, well-child checkups, follow-up appointments or OB/GYN care.
Vanderbilt Children’s After-Hours Clinics Murfreesboro is located at 1155 Kennedy Drive, 2nd Floor. Hours are Mon – Fri 6 – 9:30 p.m., Sat – Sun 12:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Call 615-895-0404.