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January 24, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

Pack a Zero-Waste School Lunch

Kids are picky when it comes to their school lunch. You can find ways around that, tho!

Your child leaves behind the crust from his sandwich, right? What child doesn't? This and other little things like it are eating wastes you should let go of. Soon enough your child, once older, will be eating his crust.  But how much of your carefully packed school lunch does your child actually eat? Did you know that on average, each child in the U.S. generates up to 67 pounds of waste each school year?

Simple tips to help reduce your child's wasteful eating and for making sure he eats what you so lovingly provide!

  1. Don't test out foods when packing lunches, it's a certain fail.
  2. Pack what you know your child will eat. If he doesn't eat crust, cut it off & add the crust to tonight's meatloaf.
  3. You can give him a whole apple, but will he really bite into it? Provide simple pieces of fruits and veggies. Kids love grapes, boxes of raisins, pre-separated orange slices, you get the drill.
  4. Pack your own food items and avoid pre-packaged expensive options. Get your child accustomed to bringing home his lunch box so you can wash the items you've packed food in.
  5. Variety is critical to your child eating his lunch. Mix up the veggies, fruits and mains and consider enlisting your child's help in packing lunch so he puts in what he wants.
  6. Take stock periodically of what's working and what's not if you keep having food come home. Discuss it with your child.

About the Author

Susan Swindell Day, Editor

Susan Swindell Day is the editor in chief of Nashville Parent and the mom of four amazing kids.