There’s a Guinness World Record (GWR) for just about everything imaginable. Records range from the absurd to the spectacular.
Dreaming of becoming part of a world record statistic? You’re in luck. On Friday, June 30, the Nashville Sounds aim to break a world record. And it’s not for baseball. It’s for playing air guitar.
Be a Part of the Air Guitar Attempt
First Tennessee Bank and the Sounds team up for an attempt to break the current world record for the “Largest Air Guitar Ensemble.” The current record of 2,377 air guitarists was set on Sept. 22, 2011 in Highland, Ca.
The local attempt will take place after the baseball game against the Oklahoma City Dodgers. The crowd will learn the appropriate air guitar moves during the game with the GWR attempt happening prior o the fireworks finale.
Can’t make the game but still want to participate in the world record event? No problem. There will be a sign-up table outside First Tennessee Park (19 Junior Gilliam Way, Nashville). Toward the end of the game, escorts will take everyone inside the ballpark to prepare for the event.
If the game is rains out, the attempt will take place on Saturday, July 1.
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