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October 06, 2024

Where Every Family Matters

Batey Farms’ You-Pick Strawberries On Hold

The 2020 strawberry patch season is here, but Batey Farms is holding off on you-pick berries for now.

You don't have to wait to make delicious strawberry pie or shortcake right now, but you do have to wait to pick local strawberries yourself.
    Batey Farms, located at 5331 Baker Road in Murfreesboro, has pre-picked strawberries for purchase ($18 for a gallon), but the farm owners do not yet have a date to announce when they'll open their strawberry patch up for you-pick.
    Batey Farms is an 8th generation family owned and operated hog, row crop and hay farm that's been in production since 1807. Dedicated to the land and animals they care for, the Farm's aim is to provide a secure and safe environment for their animals, family and the community at large.
    And while you may not be able to pick your own strawberries just yet, support Batey Farms by ordering goods from the Farm Retail Store located in a 200-year-old cabin at the farm. Available goodies include Hatcher Family Dairy products, Head Family Farm ground beef, and steaks, Sweetwater Valley cheeses, local honey, Nashville Jam company jams and sauces, Granny's free-range eggs and more. Shop the store here. Use the Hotline at 615-631-6105 to learn about products pick-up times at the store.

About the Author

Susan Swindell Day

Susan Day is the editor in chief for this award-winning publication and all-things Nashville Parent digital creative. She's also an Equity actress, screenwriter and a mom of four amazing kids.