When veggies taste delicious, kids may be more likely to eat them. Well, we can hope. Here’s a great way to enjoy fresh vegetables as fall moves in:
Delvin Farms, located in College Grove, offers fresh, organic vegetables in November and December through their Winter CSA. Sign up now to enjoy kale, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, arugula, cabbage, lettuce, squash, brussel sprouts and more throughout November and December.
Delvin Farms’ winter CSA is a bi-weekly pickup of 1/2 bushel boxes of certified organic vegetables. The CSA pickups will be twice in November and twice in December. The cost is $125.
Sign up for the Winter CSA here.
Williamson County Pickup:
Franklin Farmers Market
230 Franklin Road, Franklin
Saturdays from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Dates: Nov. 4, 18; Dec. 2, 16