Give your child’s love for reading a little high-tech shot in the arm! Head to the Digital Bookmobile National Tour when it makes a stop at Brentwood Library (8109 Concord Road) this Saturday, Sept. 2 at 10 a.m. The souped-up Toterhome has broadband Internet-connected PCs, free Wi-Fi connection, touchscreen monitors, a premium sound system and a variety of portable media players. The Bookmobile provides interactive experiences with eBooks, audiobooks and the new Overdrive app, Libby. Families can learn how to borrow digital books and read on devices including iPhones, iPads, Android phones and tablets, Chromebooks and Kindles. Tours of the bus are free and all who tour will be eligible for giveaways.
According to tech experts, reading digitally is very different from reading print books. Digital reading takes place on a flat screen with the ability to hyperlink to related content. “Deep reading,” i.e., learning, is more difficult to achieve. For kids, it requires more self-control — it’s a challenge worthy of parent support. Kids need reminding to stop skipping around, stopping for quick Snapchats or getting sucked into other content on the internet. With education requiring reading on digital devices in schools, it’s important for you to know how to help your child.
Head to the Digital Bookmobile on Saturday, Sept. 2 at 10 a.m. Enjoy food trucks while you’re there & get your kids reading!