Holy Rosary Academy is a school community that is animated by the truth, beauty, and goodness of Jesus Christ. Success is measured in our academic and athletic achievements, but, most importantly, in how we live out our faith through the kindness of our speech and actions, integrity of life, and work ethic.
Our teachers are experienced and talented - approximately 70% were present when Holy Rosary Academy received national recognition from the US Department of Education as being a Blue Ribbon School for academic excellence. Our teachers are Master-level prepared (we have one Ed.D.!) and/or are certified by the state of Tennessee. As the Principal of Holy Rosary Academy, I bring nine years of teaching and administrative experience with two Masters’ degrees in Theology and Educational Leadership/Administration. One of my greatest joys is teaching Theology and sharing my Faith with the students after Mass on Thursdays and when visiting them in their classrooms.
When you visit our school, you will sense that we are more than a community – we are a family! Holy Rosary Academy has been in existence since 1954 and has educated and formed several generations of students. We have a proud legacy and welcome you to be a part of its future.