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February 13, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

Halloween Events Set for Oct. 30 at MTSU

Two great opportunities to trick-or-treat "Blue Raider-style" on Wednesday, Oct. 30.

Middle Tennessee State University will once again host free “spooktacular” events for little ghouls, ghosts and goblins this Halloween season.

Greek Row

Spooktacular' Halloween events slated for Oct. 30 at MTSU Greek Row, Lady Raiders game – MTSU News

(Submitted photo)

Children ages 12 and younger can participate in the free Trick or Treat on Greek Row from 5 – 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, in front of the sorority houses at Rutherford Boulevard and Alumni Drive.

“The community loves this event and so do our students in MTSU’s fraternities and sororities,” said Hannah Leyhew, director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at MTSU. “We always love seeing all the costumes our Murfreesboro neighbors come up with as they join our students for some safe Halloween fun.”

There will be a variety of games for children to play at the houses and lots of candy to grab. Guests are asked to park in the lot across the street. There is no charge for parking and there is a crosswalk where families can safely access campus by foot.

The event is sponsored by the MTSU Panhellenic Council with support from MTSU’s sororities and fraternities. The council is MTSU’s largest women’s organization, comprised of six sorority chapters under the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life in the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership.

For more details, contact Anna Jones, Panhellenic vice president of programming, at, or Leyhew at

Treats and Hoops with Lady Raiders

Spooktacular' Halloween events slated for Oct. 30 at MTSU Greek Row, Lady Raiders game – MTSU News

(Submitted photo)

MTSU Lady Raiders Basketball will face off against Lindsey Wilson College at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, in Murphy Center, 2650 Middle Tennessee Blvd.

Before the tipoff, the team is hosting Treats and Hoops trick-or-treat starting at 5 p.m.

Local businesses, student organizations and MTSU departments will set up tables along the concourse in Murphy Center to hand out candy.

Admission to the game and trick-or-treating is complimentary to costumed fans age 17 and younger. For those who need to purchase tickets, visit


About the Author

Michael Aldrich

Michael Aldrich is Nashville Parent's Managing Editor and a Middle Tennessee arts writer. He and his wife, Alison, are the proud parents of 4-year-old Ezra and baby Norah.