The Kiwanis Club of Rutherford County is hosting its inaugural Cookie Train and Free Santa photos event on Thursday, Dec. 5 at The Remington Room in Smyrna.
This event is free to attend with Santa onsite for photos and local businesses hosting tables with giveaways.
Those choosing to donate $20 can hop on the Cookie Train and will receive a ticket to get a dozen sweets courtesy of local vendors and a pint of MTSU milk provided by the Law Office of W. Scott Kimberly.
Families can shoot their own photos just in time for Christmas cards with a backdrop set up with Santa. There will also be volunteers available to shoot photos of families.
The event runs at The Remington Room, located at 8014 Safari Drive in Smyrna, from 5 – 7 p.m.
About Kiwanis
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one community at a time. Each year Kiwanis family members perform more than 7.3 million hours of service in communities around the world. The club is open for new members and welcomes guests any first or third Monday of each month at 5 p.m.
For more information about the Kiwanis Club of Rutherford County’s Cookie Train and Free Santa photos event, contact Clayton at or 615-967-1945 or visit here.