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February 16, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

“Last Chance” for Lifeguard Certification

Teenagers with strong swimming skills make excellent lifeguards.

Williamson County kids have two more shots at lifeguard certification for the coming summer. How does a kid become a lifeguard? They get certified. But first, they have to register in person.  On April 1, teenagers 15 and older can register at two different pools for certification classes taking place April 22 – May 6.  In-person only registration (no phone registrations) takes place at Brentwood’s Indoor Sports Complex (920 Heritage Way, Brentwood) and Longview Rec (2909 Commonwealth Drive, Spring Hill). The certification classes take place at the two different pools.

Lifeguard Process

On April 22, registered kids take a pre-course swim test. They must pass in order to move on to classes. Payment of $125 is due once the pre-course test is passed. After all classes are completed, swimmers will take a final test for certification in Lifeguard Training/CPR/AED. 
    For more information contact Kristin Pitts at 615-370-3471, ext. 2122.

3 Pre-Course Must-Pass Swim Skills

• Swim six continual laps using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combo. Goggles are allowed. Side swimming is not.

• Tread water for two minutes.

• Pass the 10-pound brick test: Swim 20 yards to a brick in the water; surface dive in 7-10 feet of water to retrieve the brick; swim 20 yards back to the starting point, on the back, with both hands on the brick. Goggles are NOT allowed.


About the Author

Susan Swindell Day, Editor

Susan Swindell Day is the editor in chief of Nashville Parent and the mom of four amazing kids.