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February 13, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

LIVESTREAM! Help for a Disorganized Kid

ADD or Disorganized Kid? What You Can Do To Help Your Child:

Today, April 6, at 11:30 a.m., parents can watch a live stream of “Executive Function Understood” being held at Currey Ingram Academy in Brentwood on helping kids with attention and organization issues.

Leading U.S. experts will offer parents and teachers strategies and advice on helping a disorganized kid cope. Panelists in the live streaming event include Dr. Jane Hannah, assistant head of school for academics and programs at Currey Ingram; Dr. Ellen Braaten, director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program at Massachusetts General Hospital; Ellen Galinsky, co-founder and president of Families and Work Institute; and Dr. Phil Zelazo, professor at the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota.
Learn what it’s like for a disorganized kid or one with ADD and learn strategies and tools to better support them.

Also learn more about kids with organization and add issues at

About the Author

Susan Swindell Day, Editor

Susan Swindell Day is the editor in chief of Nashville Parent and the mom of four amazing kids.