Moms and dads can feel guilty when they bring a newborn home to meet their firstborn, afterall their time is divided now. You have enough love for all!
Managing a Newborn and a Toddler
The juggle truly begins when you bring home a second baby; getting your head around how it will all work is tough ... but it will get easier!
How to Create a Baby Schedule
In the first few weeks at home with your infant, routines are hard to come by! Take baby steps to work toward a workable schedule.
How to Read to a Newborn
More parents than ever before are following the American Academy of Pediatrics’ suggestion to read to babies from birth. It may seem silly to read to an infant, but reading to a newborn matters.
Gentle Transition Into Motherhood
Becoming a mother is an experience like no other and you need to take care of yourself first to care for another.
Brush Up for Your First Baby
With your first little one on the way, know several key points about bringing a child into the world.