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February 12, 2025

Where Every Family Matters

One Mom’s New Year’s Resolution: Rock Her Boys Every Day

Make a resolution this year to spend a little more time with your child ... no technology in hand. You'll be surprised at how good it will feel.

“In 2018 I will rock my boys every day, until they ask me to stop,” says the mom of Stay Home Mama (read her post in the link, you might find that you feel the same way). This is a resolution that’s way out of the box. No, she doesn’t plan to lose weight, drink more water, etc., etc. She wants to spend her time available cherishing the moments with her boys.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “The rocking motion of the [rocking] chair will increase the soothing effect your baby feels when you hold her.” So, why wouldn’t older children feel the same comfort?

This kind of resolution is one not many parents can even fathom. Some kids don’t like to be held. They want free reign of the living room. However, if you can get your child to allow you to hold him, take advantage of that. It may be a fleeting moment, but it can bring you happiness.

Make It Relaxing

Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW, offers “The Three Breath Hug Mindful Break” in her book Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms (The Experiment; 2017). “While hugging your child, take three deliberate, synchronized, deep breaths together. Drop your shoulders and relax any muscles that feel tight. Let go and feel the tension melt away.” She says this is a great technique to teach your kids, because you never really know when you’ll need it.

Add Fun

Want to try to rock your kids every day, too? If they’re bored with the idea or are to curious about the world around them, add something to the moment. Pick up a book and read. If a book’s not nearby when you grab ’em for a rock, then daydream together. Think about an imaginary world. Tell a story. Have fun with it. Those few moments together are priceless.

Make a different New Year’s Resolution this year. Catch those simple moments before they slip right by.

So, who’s ready to go buy a rocking chair?


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