Where Every Family Matters

How well do you know your kid?

Quiz: Do You Really Know Your Kid?

Stop a second to determine if you really know your kids or not. A simple list of questions can do the trick.

BEING with your child is one thing but do you really know them? Since the connectivity you have — or not — with your kids means EVERYTHING, it’s time to start developing it. It’s easy to bond with a baby, but once she’s bigger and sassier, it’s harder to keep that feeling going. Yet it’s the most important facet of childhood.

Yes, life is busy. In the blink of an eye your little one will be grown. Don’t let this precious relationship slip through your fingers. Take the time to get to know her on a deep level and to honor her unique qualities. The good news is, you’re reading this and you want a more meaningful relationship. Go through these questions one by one. Share with your mate. Let’s do this!

Do You Really Know Your Kid?

1. What really makes your child angry?

2. Who is his/her best friend?

3. What is his/her favorite color? Number? Food?

4. What is his/her favorite place to visit?

5. What embarrasses him/her the most?

6. Would he/she prefer a vanilla, strawberry or chocolate milkshake?

7. What is his/her biggest fear?

8. What does he/she struggle the most with at school?

9. What is his/her favorite animal?

10. What is his/her favorite family vacation?

11. What would he/she like to change about her appearance?

12. What is his/her biggest complaint about the family?

13. Does he/she want to be like you? Different?

14. When was the last time he/she was really angry?

15. What is his/her favorite song? Radio station?

16. If you could buy him/her anything in the world, what would be his/her first choice?

17. What is his/her proudest accomplishment?

18. What has been the biggest disappointment in his/her life?

19. What is his/her favorite book? Game?

20. Which chore does he/she dislike the most? Like?

21. Does he/she feel too small or too big for his/her age?

22. What gift does he/she cherish the most?

23. Who has influenced him/her life the most (outside family)?

24. Who is his/her favorite teacher? Why?

25. What’s something that makes him/her feel sad?

26. What’s his/her favorite joke or riddle?

27. What careers are he/she interested in learning more about?

28. What is his/her favorite movie? TV show?

29. What’s something he/she doesn’t believe he/she can do?

30. Rank his/her classes from most (1) to least (10) favorite: art, music,
p. e., library, Spanish, science, reading, math, health, computer, dance, writing, social studies, spelling, etc.



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